iPhone Videos - Brushes

Entries in 3d (7)


Storybook Challenge Sketchfab

I have been kicking around ideas for this concept for a while, but this recent Sketchfab challenge pushed me to evolve the idea further. It also helped to have a few days worth of break from work to sketch out part of the story.





The Shipment

I have been continuing with the experimentation with Tiltbrush speedsculpting, using this as the means to jumpstart ideas that I can finish either in 2d or 3d. I leave the symmetry tool on, and then use the matte poly brush for the big shapes, than add more detail, timeboxed at about 15 to 20 minutes. 

The export process direct to Photoshop as a 3d object was not working too well for me, mainly because this gave me less control over the lighting of the object as I imagined the airship fitting into my scene. Modo was an easy input and ouput to just modify the lighting quickly, and then make a render along with a mask that Photoshop could use to isolate the ship. 

Photoshop does a great job for image filters, layer management, and masking, but personally, I find the painting tools through the brushes to be tool slow from moving my Wacom pen to seeing the resultant stroke, whereas SketchbookPro is much faster on the uptake, and has more 'painterly' brush kits.

In this case, I placed the SketchbookPro .tif file as a linked Smart Object within Photoshop, so that when I made changes to the greyscale SketchbookPro image, it updated automatically in my Photoshop file underneath the color adjustments and sepia filter. 


Autoliv Event Concept Art 1

The recent Tiltbrush work below has remined me that I have quite a few projects that were locked due to pending client approvals, but I can now open them up again. This project was an ambitious plan to have integrated AR appllications and interactive displays for a whole series of events in Europe, Asia and the Americas. The concepts needed to be put together very quickly, within a few business days, and working in Silo, Modo and Sketchfab, with a little Photoshop for texturing, allowed a great deal of creative freedom.



Jul Frukost 

I made this before the holiday for a website and mailer for my company's tech breakfast series before the holidays; then promtly forgot about it. But it's back!


Modo modeling: Cuckoo

It's that time of year again, the holidays, when I seem to forget about making a card until the last minute. Last year's card (which I will need to dig up) was an homage to Richard Scarry, since he is beloved in my family, but I do like to mix it up with a 3d card every other year if possible, and I think I have an idea that fits the bill. Usually, when I throw humor into the card on the holiday card, it misfires, like when I had a cannibalistic gingerbread man interpreted to be expecting a family addition...I started a model a little while ago, and then projects came up that shuffled it to the back of the deck; but I dusted this one off in Modo to help announce the new year.

Initial pass for rendering:

Diving in to some polygonal edits on the piping.