iPhone Videos - Brushes

The start of my AI journey...

And to continue the backpedaling through what I have been doing creatively, I first started dabbling with AI image engines in late 2022, when I saw a presentation as part of a Gravity Sketch online conference, talking about using various AI models as inspiration. One that really caught my eye was ArtBreeder, which you can 'train' with your own images. I found the online interface interesting, almost like a game from the early 2000s, and then the results had me hooked. The results were a high enough resolution to be able to do a paintover in Photoshop or SketchbookPro, my fave 2d raster tools. 


Really belated update...

It's hard to excuse such a long absence, but I don't mind saying that the rest of my life took priority, but that did not mean that I was not creating, and if for no other reason that catharsis, I will start a bit of backtracking, to pick up where I left off in 2021. I fee like there are quite a few of of who lost some time in the last few years, so many of you will understand. It was at the end of that summer that I picked up a slightly used XP-Pen tablet, as I thought it was worth trying one of the Wacom competitors, as Cintiqs are both hard to find, and very expensive here in Sweden. Though I will say that it took me a while to get into a rhythm with the way that I use the XP-Pen 22, overall I love it, and that love has resulted in me just drawing more.

For 'pure drawing' Sketchbook still remains my go-to application, though I was still experimenting at an early stage with Gravity Sketch, a VR drawing and modeling application. 


Persona Template in Figma

Recently I realized that in my IT group, there is often a need for UX personas, and this template was missing. 

The challenge was to make a multicultural kit that could allow role for internal positions as well as outside users to the branded tools. I am still working through the variations, but so far I have 4 male and 4 female, and at least one in each group that could be trans. 


Tan Beholder via Procreate 

I have been doing more sketching recently, just pena nd ink and occasionally a bit of color, but the texture of the fur was just not coming along how I wanted. I picked up the family iPad, and decided to bring the sketch into Procreate for the fur and a bit of color tinting. I had forgotten how much fun using Procreate can be, and how intuitive the application is! 


The Sharing Pair 

One of the advantages to being out of work for a few weeks is getting the chance almost daily to draw or sketch. It's a challenge to get back into the habit, I must admit. My plan is to make a digital version of these two, maybe even add a third character.