iPhone Videos - Brushes

Entries in AI (4)


New Year, which brings more robots...

Coming back from a short break over the Holidays, and I am digging back into Vizcom as a tool to refine existing drawings, make them fresh again, and in some cases, make them more complete than they were before. In this case, I had an old iPhone drawing that I had done that I was never quite satisfied with, so I re-rendered in Vizcom, and then painted over in SketchbookPro. 


Kaiber AI Animations

Another AI tool that I have been experimenting with is Kaiber, which can use a source image or video and a prompt to then create a sequential animation. Of course, you can just use a prompt by itself, but I am finding that starting with a drawing or render helps to guide the process 


AI Paintover Tutorial Series 

About a month ago, I gave a presentation at my company, the Volvo Group, on generative AI tools. I will post the video of the presentation, but in preparation, I also made a series of videos showing off some generative AI tools, and then methods of editing the 2d content in mostly Photoshop and SketchbookPro. 


The start of my AI journey...

And to continue the backpedaling through what I have been doing creatively, I first started dabbling with AI image engines in late 2022, when I saw a presentation as part of a Gravity Sketch online conference, talking about using various AI models as inspiration. One that really caught my eye was ArtBreeder, which you can 'train' with your own images. I found the online interface interesting, almost like a game from the early 2000s, and then the results had me hooked. The results were a high enough resolution to be able to do a paintover in Photoshop or SketchbookPro, my fave 2d raster tools.