iPhone Videos - Brushes

Entries by Matthew Seydel Connors (94)


Alchemy Show starting next week in Clifton, NJ

I am very excited to be a part of this show with other artists from Hobart, which has its opening reception next week:

the two pieces that I will have in the show are below: Stoic on the left, and Babel On on the right



Nomad Brush hosted video 

Nomad hosted this on their site as a teaser. Thanks Nomad!

And don't forget to vote so I can donate the winning $500 to Scholarship America!



Nomad Brush Fab 5 Contest



Had a lot of fun taking the new Nomad Flex brush for a spin as a part of this contest. Weigh in on Friday of this week to vote, though I suppose I should have checked about the holiday theme. Doh!


At New York Comic Con

I have to assume that with the emphasis on the release of Sketchbook 6, the posting didn't get updated to announce that I will be at NYCC to share the Sketchbook goodness. I must admit that I have varying levels of skill on the versions of SB: Designer, Pro, the iOs and Android Pro,and Mobile...but I have used all with Intuos, Wacom, Finger, stylus, and Nomad Brush, not necessarily in the order. Hope to see you there!


Procreate warmup

testing some video capture options, though I think my old Leica lens is not up to the task: