iPhone Videos - Brushes

Entries in fingerpaint (4)


Chain of Command

Due to prep for the upcoming baby, my time allotted for painting has been fairly small. But the thought of the potential changes to the pecking order around the house gave way to a slightly darker tone on this quick procedural drawing. I have been focusing more on my color palette over the last few paintings, to really trim it down to just a few colors that will represent the mood. 

After I finished the piece, I remembered that Procreate has a built-in feature to allow you to export the video. I like this much better than the function of some other apps, like SketchbookPro and Sketchclub, where you actively need to 'turn on' the recording, but the quality of the capture is a little lacking...


Sunder painted with Sketchbook Pro on an iPad

Been a while since I painted on my iPad with Sketchbook Pro, as I have been using a few other Apps like SketchClub and Procreate. As much as I like these other Apps, SBPro is the one that I have the most comfort and confidence in, and the similarity to the Mac DT version keeps my workflow in line.


Nomad Brush Fab 5 Contest



Had a lot of fun taking the new Nomad Flex brush for a spin as a part of this contest. Weigh in on Friday of this week to vote, though I suppose I should have checked about the holiday theme. Doh!


Procreate warmup

testing some video capture options, though I think my old Leica lens is not up to the task: